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Select from the topics below for more information.
Urology | General Health | Urinary Tract Stones | Cancer | Drug Information | Vasectomy | Support Organizations | Male Health Books
American Urological Association
American Urological Association Foundation
Interstitial Cystitis Association
National Association for Continence
National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive and Kidney Diseases
This valuable website serves patients and physicians by providing a wide range of educational resources and responding to inquiries about urological conditions and treatments. The channel's interactive features include Health Profilers enabling users to profile their PSA, prostate cancer risk, and more. Visitors can post questions for physicians or peers via online forums.
General Health
Health on the Net
The Health on the Net Foundation is a nonprofit organization based in Geneva that monitors medical Web sites to make sure they are dispensing credible, accurate information. The group was founded in 1995 after a conference of international medical experts decided there was a need for oversight on the Internet. Health on the Net has issued its seal of approval to over 1300 Web sites that promise to follow its guidelines. At the site, you can read about the group's code of conduct and search its database of sites that meet the foundation's standards. A seal from the group is a good sign that a Web site is playing by the rules.
InteliHealth, a joint venture of Aetna U.S. Healthcare Inc. and Johns Hopkins University Hospital and Health System, is frequently recommended because of big names behind it. It also has content supplied by such trusted names as the National Institutes of Health and the National Health Council. The site's main focus is advice, ranging from what causes panic attacks to how to cure hiccups. Another particularly useful feature is a drug index that describes the uses and side effects of both generic and brand name medications.
Mayo Clinic
A team of doctors and researchers from the respected clinic directs this site, which contains sections - called "centers" - that focus on different topics, such as Alzheimer's disease and heart issues. Each of the centers is then broken into smaller sections, such as quizzes to test your knowledge, a library of references and links to other sites. One of the best features is the Ask Mayo section, which allows a patient to e-mail a question directly to a team of Mayo clinic physicians. Answers are posted to the Web site, and an archive of previously asked questions can be searched according to topic.
Accessible through this site is a huge database of abstracts from the National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine. The abstracts cover more than nine million articles from more than 3800 biomedical journals. The site isn't particularly fancy-it's basically just a barebones search engine-but this is some of the most useful medical information on the Web. The Medline database covers the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health-care system, and preclinical studies. Unfortunately, receiving the full articles is a complicated process that involves setting up a relationship with a local medical library.
The New England Journal of Medicine
The online version of this prestigious medical journal allows visitors to search for scientific studies the journal has published. The full text of the publication is available online only to subscribers or to nonsubscribers by mail or fax for $10 per article, but anyone can check out the abstracts, back to 1990.
Wellness Web
Bart Moran, Villanova, Pa., started this site more than five years ago after he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Mr. Moran went to several doctors to find out about different treatment, but didn't feel he was getting the whole truth about alternative-medicine procedures. He spent half a year researching the topic, and then posted what he learned on the Web to share with others. In time, the site grew to include lots of other medical information; now it has big sections on both alternative and conventional medicine. The alternative-medicine section, for example, offers news about herbs and supplements, nutritional medicine, and questionable practices. [Top]
Urinary Tract Stones:
Extensive education with clinical photos about urinary tract stones and obstructions. Learn about treatment options for stones based on their location in the urinary tract and the size of the obstruction. [Top]
Memorial Sloan - Kettering Cancer Center
Prostate Cancer M.D. Anderson
Prostate Seed Institute - Dallas
American Association for Cancer Research
This scientific society, which has more than 13,000 laboratory and clinical cancer researchers as members, was founded in 1907 to disseminate knowledge about cancer. Some areas of the site are for members only, but nonmembers can use the site to search the abstracts of the society's four scientific journals. Search for the words "prostate cancer" and the site returns dozens of abstracts.
This site is created by a cancer patient and is designed to help other cancer patients find the answers to their questions-and to figure out what questions they should be asking. The site does a good job of walking a patient through the difficult choices he or she will face, with sections on everything from the basic information about cancer to issues that should be considered before undergoing experimental treatment. Also offered: stories from other cancer patients about how they have coped.
CancerNet - National Cancer Institute
CancerNet has separate sections for patients, health professionals and basic researchers. Here you can get access to data from PDQ, the National Cancer Institute's computer system that tracks cancer and its treatments. This is some of the most up-to-date cancer information on the Net. To make sure it is current, the data are reviewed and updated each month by cancer experts. In the section for patients, you can find screening, prevention, and treatment data on dozens of types of cancer, all written in easy-to-understand language. You can find a typical treatment plan for prostate cancer in each of the four stages of advancement.
This informative website serves patients and physicians by providing a wide variety of educational resources for cancer diagnosis and treatment. Board-certified physicians develop and monitor the content on oncologychannel to ensure accurate and reliable information. The site also offers online forums where consumers can post their questions for physicians.
Prostate Cancer Foundation
Us TOO International Prostate Cancer Education and Support
American Cancer Society
Kidney Cancer Association
Drug Information:
This online drug index allows visitors to look up a drug by either generic or brand name, find out about possible side effects, read about clinical studies and find out about any warnings. This site is smart enough to have "fuzzy search" capability - if you misspell the name of a drug you are seeking, it will bring up other possible matches.
Articles on Vasectomy
Vasectomy: Top 10 Questions & Answers
Scalpel vs. No-Scalpel Vasectomy vs. No-Needle?
What Women Want to Know.
Answers to your most intimate questions. The vasectomy procedure should be considered carefully by each man and every couple. As a woman, you may have special concerns that need to be addressed.
Does a Vasectomy Reduce a Man's Sexual Drive?
It's a natural concern, for both husband and wife. Couples often want to know, but sometimes don't know how to ask the question. Will things be the same - especially for the man - following a vasectomy?
Methods of Contraception – Comparison Chart & Information.
A vasectomy is a popular and safe method to prevent conception. Here’s how it compares among other options available to couples.
Common Fears: Real and Imagined
The idea of having a vasectomy can raise fears - both real and imagined - about the procedure and what to expect. While apprehension can be common, the best answers are always found in knowing the facts.
How Much Will This Cost?
The cost of a vasectomy is usually affordable, and may be covered under your health insurance plan. Here's what to expect - and ways to make the procedure fit your family budget.
Support Organizations
Poison Control
American Cancer Society (ACS)
Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network - BCAN
Bladder Cancer WebCafe
Cancer Site Finder
National Cancer Institute
National Association for Continence
Simon Foundation for Incontinence
Interstitial Cystitis
Interstitial Cystitis Association
The Interstitial Cystitis Network
American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP)
National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information
National Kidney Foundation
Kidney Cancer Association
Kidney Stones
American Urological Association
Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer Foundation
Prostate Cancer Calculator
Prostate Cancer Research Institute
ZERO - The Project to End Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer Education Council
University of Michigan Health System
Us TOO Prostate Cancer Education and Support
The Cancer Information Network
Prostatitis Foundation
Male Chronic Pelvic Pain Network
Reproductive Health
American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)
RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association
American Urogynecologic Society
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
American Social Health Association (ASHA) (STDs)
Herpes Zone
Testicular Cancer
Male Health Book
Men Can Live As Long As Women is written just for and about men
and their health. Want to live longer, feel better about yourself and
stay out of the hospital? At last, there's a resource book intended
only for men.
in book only at $12.00 each]
can order our informative resource book direct from Texas Urology for $12—nearly half off the bookstore price of $22.95.

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