Pediatric Urology
Select from the following topics to learn more about Pediatric Urology.
Bedwetting - Helping Your Children Stay Dry
Does your child older than over the age of 6 have a problem wetting the bed every night? If the answer is yes, your child is one of the 6 million American children affected by a condition called enuresis, or bedwetting. In most cases this is a self-limiting problem that your child will out grow. For others, effective treatment is available.
Click here to learn more.
Talking To Your Teen About Sex
We live in a very sexual world. There are messages about sex all around us on radio and TV, in movies, magazines, and music. Sex is used to sell everything from soap to sports cars. Political and religious leaders have a lot to say about sex, too. So do people in locker rooms, in malls, and in our own homes. And our children hear it all. Unfortunately, our children don't get much useful information.
Click here to learn more.
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