Prevent Impotency
Ten action steps to help prevent impotency | Five tips for staying sexually active
Ten action steps to help prevent impotency
As many as one in eight American men have problems with impotence. Fortunately, new breakthroughs in understanding impotence are now making it possible for millions of couples to enjoy healthy sex lives into their senior years. The following ten tips may help identify and even prevent impotence:
1. Recognize the normal signs of aging
Remember that quantity and quality are not the same. Sexual relations at 60 may be better than at age 20. You've learned more about the pleasures you enjoy in life, and you may have a partner who wants to continue sharing that aspect of your relationship.
2. Beware of medications that cause impotence
Over 100 medications have impotence as a side effect. These common prescriptions include tranquilizers, medication for high blood pressure and ulcers.
3. Avoid Tobacco
Tobacco is a performance-zapper because its affect on blood vessels can decrease blood flow to the pelvis. This interferes with the mechanism of erection.
4. Drink in moderation
Alcohol may make you feel at ease, but performance suffers. What relaxes you mentally, may inhibit you physically.
5. Timing can be everything
Sexual performance is influenced by body rhythms. Even hormonal levels can vary at different times of the day. It's important to find the time of day or evening that is best, both mentally and physically, for you and your partner.
6. Accept occasional failure
One episode of impotence, even if it lasts for weeks at a time, does not mean that a man is permanently impotent. Stress and fatigue, and the anticipation of failure, can hurt your sex life. Accept occasional impotence as something that happens to every man at different times in his life.
7. Don't be surprised if impotence is due to a physical problem
Make sure that your problem with impotence is not related to physical disease, as many common diseases cause impotence. Diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney and liver disease, nerve problems and hormonal deficiencies are often at the root of the problem. At least 50% of all cases of impotence are due to physical disease and not psychological problems. Your regular physician or urologist can easily check for these conditions.
8. Balanced nutrition is important for sexual function
The American Heart Association states that a low fat and low cholesterol diet prevents heart disease and arteriosclerosis. The latter is one of the most common causes of impotence.
9. Avoid excess stress
Excessive, long-term stress is "counter-erotic" and affects both the desire and capability to have a happy sexual relationship.
10. Get Help
Persistent, chronic impotence needs medical attention before it interferes with relationships and self-esteem. For men and women, this means learning more about the problem.
Five tips for staying sexually active
Erectile dysfunction, or the persistent inability to obtain and maintain an erection that is adequate to complete satisfactory sexual relations, is often assumed to be an inevitable part of the aging process. Although it is normal for sexual activity to decline with advancing age, there are steps a man can take to proactively protect against ED. A prudent program of a healthy diet and moderate exercise helps to control risk for such vascular diseases as diabetes and heart disease, while also contributing to normal erectile function. Nurturing a healthy relationship with a supportive partner can help to find creative ways to cultivate intimacy, and can help reduce anxiety associated with the concerns about sexual performance.
A normal erection requires the coordination of hormones, blood vessels, and nerves. Problems with any of these three systems can affect a man’s ability to engage in sexual intimacy.
Although erectile dysfunction is more common after age 65, it can affect any man at some point in his life. The good news is that man of all ages can be proactive against ED.
1) Protect the heart
Vascular disease and heart disease can contribute to the ED by decreasing the blood supply to all organs of the body including the penis. Without adequate blood supply, penile tissues can not receive adequate blood in order to sustain an erection.
High blood pressure and high cholesterol levels are especially common causes of erectile dysfunction. To reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, a man should consume a diet that is low in saturated fats and should avoid foods that are high in salt. It is also important to consume a diet that is rich in fiber and in omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in salmon, seeds, and nuts. Regular aerobic exercises such as jogging, swimming or fast walking on a daily basis is an excellent recommendation for a healthy heart.
There is also an association between cigarette smoking and heart disease. Therefore, it is important to avoid cigarettes in order to help preserve erectile function. Also, alcohol consumption can play a role in erectile dysfunction. Light to moderate intake of alcohol, such as a glass of red wine, appears to be beneficial for the heart. However, too much alcohol can cause high blood pressure and reduce the blood supply to the penis.
2) Take steps to prevent diabetes
Diabetes can cause damage to blood vessels and nerves, making it difficult to achieve an erection. Adult onset diabetes can be prevented with a program of diet and daily exercise.
3) Enhance psychological well-being
Exercise not only helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes but it also boosts psychological health by decreassing stress and helps prevent mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. Erectile dysfunction and depression often occur together. Depression can decrease the libido or sex drive and puts a strain on interpersonal relationships which can contribute to erectile dysfunction. A good relationship with ones partner is the cornerstone of an enjoyable sex life.
4) Reduce the need for medications
There are literally dozens of medications that can interfere with the ability to achieve an erection. The most common are medications for treating hypertension, antidepressants, tranquilizers, muscle relaxants and even anti-histamines. Therefore, the fewer medications that a man takes, the better the chance to maintain normal erectile function.
5) Seek additional help
Additional options for treating erectile dysfunction include oral medications such as Viagra, Cialis or Levitra. All 3 oral medications are effective for restoring erectile dysfunction and are the first line of treatment for ED. For those who do not respond to oral therapy, there are additional treatment options such as injections, vacuum erection devices, and penile implants.
Bottom Line:
ED is a common condition that affects millions of American men. Many men can decrease the risk of ED by practicing healthy lifestyle behaviors. Others who suffer from ED can be helped with medications. In 2007 and beyond, no one needs to suffer the tragedy of the bedroom!
[Top] Reprinted with permission from Dialog Medical,
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