Ultrasounds are painless sound waves that are used to evaluate organs.
RENAL ULTRASOUNDS are performed on the kidneys to rule out obstruction, masses,
or stones. It is a painless procedure that takes approximately 10 minutes to perform. A probe is held by the ultrasound technician and rubbed on the upper part of the
abdomen after being coated with a gel that allows excellent imaging of the kidneys.
PROSTATE ULTRASOUND is a procedure in which the ultrasound technologist places
a lubricated probe into the rectum to evaluate the prostate. This can be done to measure
the size of the prostate, detect portions of the prostate that may be within the bladder, and
most commonly to look for evidence of prostate cancer.
Prostate ultrasounds are also used for guidance to perform biopsies of the prostate.
Prostate ultrasounds take approximately 10 minutes to perform and pictures are taken of
the prostate gland.
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